Allows shipping agents to present authorisation requests directly to the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) and the Harbourmaster’s office for the loading, discharging and transit of dangerous goods in the ports managed by the PAV. The service also serves to present the respective notifications required for dangerous goods remaining in vessels during port calls at the ports managed by the PAV.
The platform provides users with a client application to launch the service rapidly and be able to fulfil the requirements to send documentation electronically to the PAV. The comprehensive form made available makes it possible to complete swiftly requests, transmitting them automatically in one go to the PAV, the Harbourmaster’s office and Customs.
Since May 2013 (RD 1334/2012) the application for admission-notification of Dangerous Goods can only be submitted electronically
The Shipping Agent electronically requests the admission, after that the Port Authority rejects or authorizes. In the authorization the mandatory provisions to be met during the stay of goods within the port are given to the parties involved.
The notifier must submit a copy of the authorization to the cargo agent, which will ensure that the information contained in both the notification and authorization, is in possession of the terminal operator responsible for the operation, and - in its case - the driver of the vehicle that performs land transport of the goods.
The Consolidations of DDGG (Notification of dangerous or polluting goods carried on board both the entrance and exit port of the vessel) should also be submitted electronically.
Authorizations are accessible from the Land Transport Service, the information is also accessible from the Track and Trace.
Las Autorizaciones son accesibles desde el Servicio de Transporte Terrestre, igualmente la información es accesible desde el Track and Trace de ValenciaportPCS.
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