At the register website you would find all the information required for signing up a compnay or contract a new service. Our comercial department will provide you all the information about the requirements for start working with us, how the platform works even the possibilities to integrate with your own business software.
If you are interested in further/detailed information about o sign up with us, you could either get in touch with our Comercial Department on [email protected] or fill up the contact form. If you are a customer of already, you can call our Customer Support on 902 88 44 24 or by e-mail [email protected]
ValenciaportPCS has mechanisms of autentication to different levels that ensures that the information is used for the autorized users only. Furthermore, all the communications that go across our servers for sending and receiving documents are encrypted in order to keep safe the data. Related to the hardware enviroment, the high-availability is considered in all the diferent components of the enviroment (servers, network hardware, electric supply and communications) in order to garantee the availability of the services at all moments. As a well practice, the first time that a user logs into the client software is asked for a password change. So, the password is only known by the end user.
Absolutely nothing. The ValenciaportPCS software has automatic update mechanisms which will make you work with the last version. Every time the client application is started, after introducing the credentials, it connects to the server looking for updates.
If it is the case, it will start the download and will install them automaticaly. It will make the release, update deployment easier allowing them to enjoy always the last features.
The software allows carrier agents that are not integrated with ocean carriers to receive shipping instructions directly through the platform. The user will take benefit of the different services offered by these carrier agents using the same mechanisms as the ones prepared for the carried agents integrated with INTTRA and GT Nexus.
On any case. ValenciaportPCS is made to improve the document management between the companies and Port Community entities, but it does not contain operative or manage processes who belong to each actor. Instead of replacing customer software, ValenciaportPCS takes care of customers applications making the communication between actors easier.
Obviously, as we said on the previous answer, ValenciaportPCS does not replace any management software, it only complements it, as well as we will give support to any customer that enjoys of an own technical department to develop its integration. Your third party provider could get in touch with us to get the requiered information regarding how to get your application integrated with ValenciaportPCS.
Different integration methods have been designed between the customer software and ValenciaportPCS. You may find detailed information regarding these integration methods at the integrations page.
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